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Twitter is the latest company to face backlash for how it handles data privacy after disclosing that it sold data access to a Cambridge Analytica-linked researcher.
Octoly’s incident response was sorely lacking, says the Upguard researcher who found the exposed repository.
A researcher with the Twitter handle ‘Siguza’ published details of a macOS local privilege escalation vulnerability dating back to 2002 that could give an attacker root access to systems.
Mike Mimoso and Chris Brook recap the news of the week, including the EternalRocks worm, the latest on WannaCry, a subtitle hack, and a Twitter flaw.
A recently released extension for Chrome, developed by the public key crypto database Keybase, brought end-to-end encrypted messaging to several apps this week.
Twitter fixed a flaw in its Twitter Ads service could have allowed an attacker to tweet as any user.
Privacy activists say rolling-back ISP privacy rules means health, financial and browsing habits can be used, shared and sold to the highest bidder without consent.
The Star Wars Twitter botnet, the return of Lavabit, a critical Cisco Webex flaw, and the St. Louis Library ransomware story are discussed.
Researchers from the University College London have found a Twitter botnet of 350,000 bots that has been dormant since shortly after the accounts were registered.
Academics from Stanford and Princeton release an online tool called Footprints that correlates browsing history with Twitter feeds to reveal a users identity.