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Ten percent of the 550,000 IoT nodes in the Mirai botnet are involved in ongoing DDoS attacks against DNS provider Dyn and others.
Level 3 Communications said the Mirai botnet has recruited close to 500,000 IoT devices since the malware’s source code was released.
Sierra Wireless warns that its AirLink gateways are being infected by the Mirai malware, and urges customers to change default passwords on devices.
Researchers sort out what went wrong when an estimated 500,000 DVRs and IP-based cameras were used in a series of massive DDoS attacks in September.
DVR’s, IP-enabled cameras, home cable equipment and many other IOT connected devices are that latest in potent DDoS tools available to attackers.
An attacker known as Anna-senpai released source code for the Mirai malware, which was used in a 620 Gbps DDoS attack against Krebs on Security.