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A Windows-based botnet is spreading a Mirai variant that is also capable of spreading to Linux systems under certain conditions, Kaspersky Lab researchers said.
Mozilla released its first Internet Health Report, examining the dangers of over-sharing eroding privacy, and the security of connected devices.
Mike Mimoso and Chris Brook discuss the news of the week including Yahoo’s latest breach announcement, a DDoS-for-hire crackdown, hackers seeking help with Mirai, and some new Adobe patches.
Activity on a number of Dark Web hacker forums indicates that while people are downloading the Mirai malware source code, they need help setting it up.
Mike Mimoso and Chris Brook discuss the news of the week, including the latest Linux bug, Sony closing backdoors in cameras, and Google’s new open source fuzzer.
A D.C. think tank recommends regulations that mandate IoT security by design before attacks infiltrate critical infrastructure, financial and health care organizations.
Technologists, including Bruce Schneier, testifying before a House committee today on IoT security said that regulation could be the only answer to solving existing vulnerabilities.
Intermittent DDoS attacks affecting Internet connectivity nationwide in West African nation Liberia have ceased. One researcher says it’s a test for something else.
Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia wrote a letter to the heads of the FCC, FTC and DHS asking whether ISPs have the power to keep insecure connected devices off the public Internet.
Researchers at Flashpoint said Friday’s DDoS attack against DNS provider Dyn was likely the work of script kiddies and not advanced attackers.