Tag: DNC hack
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President Trump signed the cybersecurity executive order that mandates federal agencies implement the NIST Framework for risk management.
Researchers say fileless in-memory malware attacks have become a major nuisance to businesses and have become even harder to detect and defend.
Burlington Electric Department general manager Neale Lunderville speaks out about last week’s incident and response to reports the electric grid had been hacked.
The rush to connect a security incident at a Vermont utility to Russian government hackers is more evidence of the challenges around attribution.
The barrage of information leaks, state-sponsored espionage and hacktivism related to the U.S. presidential election has had a mixed bag of effects on the race and voter confidence.
Threatpost Op-Ed is a regular feature where experts contribute essays and commentary on what’s happening in security and privacy. Today’s contributors are Dave Dittrich and Katherine Carpenter. The terms “cyber war” and “cyber weapon” are thrown around casually, often with little thought to their non-“cyber” analogs. Many who use the terms “cyber war” and “cyber...
Donald Trump may have left himself an out today when he urged Russian hackers to find 30,000 emails deleted by Hillary Clinton from her private server. “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said during a press conference in Florida. “I think you’ll probably be...