Tag: Zerodium
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Exploit acquisition vendor Zerodium said Wednesday it will pay up to $1M for an unknown Tor Browser zero day.
The news of the week is discussed, including the AWS S3 leaks, Zerodium’s bounty on messaging app zero days, Ropemaker, and cobot vulnerabilities.
Zerodium announced new $500,000 payouts for zero days in secure messaging apps such as Signal, WhatsApp and others.
An unnamed firm is paying up to $250,000 for vulnerabilities related to its virtualization platform.
The latest on the Yahoo breach, Germany’s problem with WhatsApp-Facebook, Facebook’s osquery tool for Windows, and Zerodium’s $1.5M iOS bounty are all discussed.
Zerodium tripled the bounty it offers for an Apple iOS 10 remote jailbreak, boosting the reward to $1.5 million.
Microsoft Silverlight vulnerabilities certainly don’t have the same hacker cred as bugs in Adobe Flash, for example, but nonetheless, that does not diminish their value, nor does that mean they should be ignored. Microsoft patched a critical flaw in the application framework on Tuesday, and researchers at Kaspersky Lab’s Global Research and Analysis Team caution...
Mike Mimoso and Chris Brook discuss the week in news: How the Dutch are opening encryption with open arms, the end of support for IE 8, 9, and 10, and the latest bounty offered up by Zerodium. Download: news_wrap_01-08-16.mp3 Music by Chris Gonsalves
Despite calls to eliminate Adobe Flash Player, researchers inside and outside the vendor continue to invest in and build mitigations against modern attacks. As recently as three weeks ago, Adobe announced it had rewritten its memory manager, laying the groundwork for widespread heap isolation, which is an important protection against use-after-free vulnerability exploits. Today, however,...
9 November 2015 - 10:27, by , in News, No comments
The unflappable and suave James Bond is known for impeccable taste in clothes, cars and cocktails. The Bond brand has been attractive to luxury goods companies including car makers Aston Martin and Jaguar, which produced special editions for the latest film in the franchise, “Spectre.” Sony even made a Bond Edition smartphone, the Xperia Z5, complete...