Tag: Vulnerability Disclosure
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Threatpost Op-Ed is a regular feature where experts contribute essays and commentary on what’s happening in security and privacy. Today’s contributor is Katie Moussouris @k8em0.  Today marks an exciting development in the often monotonous rehashing of vulnerability disclosure. The ISO standard that began about 11 years ago with the emotionally loaded title “Responsible Vulnerability Disclosure,”...
Despite the Badlock hype machine cranked up high, we don’t know much about this impending soul-crushing vulnerability other than it could be bad, it could be in the Windows Server Message Block and it already has its own requisite logo and website. Nonetheless, we have a little more than two weeks before the next Microsoft...
Uber’s bug bounty program emerged from private beta mode yesterday, which it used as a feedback forum for participants in order to develop the public program. “This was pretty unique in its approach,” said HackerOne CTO Alex Rice. Uber’s program is built on the HackerOne platform, and Uber announced that the program’s biggest payouts for...
General Motors’ new vulnerability disclosure program puts it alongside Tesla as the only major automakers with a mechanism for security researchers to report flaws. Unlike Tesla’s program, however, GM’s does not offer a monetary reward. GM launched its program last week via the HackerOne platform, and while there’s no mention of a payout, the company...