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Attackers, purportedly hailing from Korea, are stepping up their malware campaign with three new techniques ranging from abusing UAC and targeting Windows 10.
Researcher Matt Nelson disclosed another Windows UAC bypass, this one abusing the sdclt.exe backup and restore utility to execute a payload without triggering an alert.
Less than a month after disclosing a Windows User Account Control bypass, researcher Matt Nelson today published another attack that circumvents the security feature and leaves no traces on the hard disk. This time, the bypass relies on Event Viewer (eventvwr.exe), a native Windows feature used to view event logs locally or remotely. Nelson said...
Researchers have crafted a stealthy new way of bypassing Windows User Account Controls (UAC) that opens the door to attacks on targeted systems. According researchers, the bypass technique can fly under the radar of security solutions that monitor for this type of circumvention. The UAC bypass technique works on Windows 10 systems, and as opposed a number...
The Petya ransomware strain signaled a new escalation for crypto-malware when it surfaced in March. For the first time, ransomware went beyond encrypting files on local and shared drives and instead set its sights on locking up the Master File Table on compromised machines. Petya did have its shortcomings and before long, researchers were able...