Tag: Trojan
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A new email campaign includes a Microsoft Office Publisher file with malicious URLs leading to the FlawedAmmyy RAT.
Trickbot is back, this time with a stealthy code injection trick.
Samples of the malware have been found in an array of countries, including Brazil and Vietnam.
The Emotet malware is back in full force in 2018 – and is now expanding its capabilities to act as a distributor of threats for other attack groups.
A new phishing scam purports to be MYOB invoices – but really contains a novel banking trojan.
The Rakhni Trojan is now giving bad actors the ability to infect victims either with a ransomware cryptor or a miner.
While other malware families have been searching for new overlay techniques for Android 7 and 8, MysteryBot appears to have found a solution.
The botnet operators behind two infamous trojans have banded together to gouge victims in a costly scheme.
Researchers have discovered a banking trojan making waves in Brazil with an array of tricks up its sleeve, including using an unusual command and control (C&C) server.
Researchers are warning of a new email phishing campaign that launches a trojan capable of distributing ransomware and stealing passwords.