Tag: steganography
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Hackers are embedding malicious code within compromised, uploaded images on trusted Google sites – weaponizing the website and staying under the radar.
Researchers are warning malware payloads can bypass traditional AV protection when delivered buried inside images, documents or even just a pixel.
An exploit kit called DNSChanger is attacking routers, not browsers, through a malvertising campaign.
A hacking group is luring participants to use a DDoS platform where they can compete with peers to earn redeemable points exchangeable for hacking tools and click-fraud software.
Researchers say attackers are embedding malicious code in poorly configured Magento sites that hides stolen payment card data in images.
For over a year attackers were able to carry out a malvertising campaign that managed to draw between one and five million client hits a day, according to researchers. The scam infected thousands a day using a one-two-punch of filtering and steganography, the art of hiding information inside messages or image. The attackers behind the campaign...