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Threatpost talks to Kaspersky Lab researcher Kurt Baumgartner who was instrumental in tracking the latest activities of the Russian-speaking Sofacy APT gang.
Researchers believe attacks against wi-fi systems in hotels across Europe and the Middle East track back to Russian-speaking hackers known as APT28.
Mike Mimoso and Chris Brook discuss the news of the week including the return of the Mamba ransomware, APT trends, a mystery company’s 250K bug bounty, and a high schooler’s $10K bug bounty from Google.
Attackers behind APT campaigns have kept busy in Q2 2017, adding new ways to bypass detection, crafting new payloads to drop, and identifying new zero days and backdoors to help them infect users and maintain persistence on machines.
Joint report “Grizzly Steppe” implicates Russian hacking group Fancy Bear in U.S. election-related hacking.
German industrial firm ThyssenKrupp said it’s working with authorities to investigate a data breach of unspecified amount of internal data.
Microsoft released 14 security bulletins today, six rated critical. Among the fixes is a patch for a Windows kernel zero-day vulnerability disclosed by Google that was being used in attacks by the Sofacy APT gang.
Microsoft said Russian APT group Sofacy, which has ties to the country’s military intelligence operations, has been using Windows kernel and Adobe Flash zero day vulnerabilities in targeted attacks.
APT gang Sofacy is targeting Mac OS X users with a Trojan that allows an attacker to execute remote commands on infected systems.
Two separate APT groups believed to have ties to the Russian government have been fingered in attacks against the Democratic National Committee resulting in the theft of research done by the DNC on presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump. Researchers at Crowdstrike, called in to investigate by the DNC, today published some of their findings, including...