Tag: Social Security Numbers
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An unspecified “private” server was found with the account data of users who signed up for the service, in the largest breach since Equifax last year.
Discount brokerage firm Scottrade began firing off emails late last week, warning customers that as a result of a breach, their names and street addresses may have been stolen from its system. Scottrade’s statement on the incident, published on its site last Thursday doesn’t exactly rule out that more sensitive information, such as users’ Social Security...
2 October 2015 - 17:34, by , in News, No comments
Wireless carrier T-Mobile is warning 15 million customers whose personal information was compromised in a data breach at credit reporting company Experian. In a bizarre twist of irony, those customers are currently being offered two years of free credit monitoring from ProtectMyID.com – a service owned and operated by Experian. The data breach, announced on Thursday, 1 October,...