Tag: Social networks
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Academics from Stanford and Princeton release an online tool called Footprints that correlates browsing history with Twitter feeds to reveal a users identity.
11 November 2015 - 11:26, by , in News, No comments
Facebook’s testing a new feature for Messenger. Photo Magic – which sounds like something a costumed character at the Magic Kingdom would bestow with a twinkly wand – uses facial recognition to paw through your phone’s camera roll, ID your friends, and then nudge you to send photos to the people it spots. David Marcus, head...
5 November 2015 - 12:30, by , in News, No comments
How many times does the word “wasted” show up in your social media profiles and posts? What?! You don’t know? Even if you’re not sure of the answer, if you are in the US, looking for credit, there’s now a chance that the companies who assess your creditworthiness will. If you’re planning to get a...
29 October 2015 - 16:12, by , in News, No comments
Action Fraud and the City of London Police have launched a new initiative that aims to separate cybercrime and fraud facts from fiction. Dubbed “Urban Fraud Myths,” the thirteen day campaign kicked off with a look at online dating, a crime which swindled 3543 Brits out of £33.65 million ($51 million) in the last year. Perhaps...
20 October 2015 - 10:04, by , in News, No comments
Facebook has announced that it will notify users it suspects are being targeted by nation states and urge them to take extra security precautions. Alex Stamos, Facebook’s chief security officer, explained the new notifications in a 16 October blog post, saying users will only receive the warnings if Facebook has strong evidence suggesting they are...
6 October 2015 - 20:50, by , in News, No comments
You might like Reddit’s filth to be locked in the basement Reddit CEO goes in search of values for the crisis-hit community Reddit bans r/fatpeoplehate, four other subreddits under new harassment rules Reddit to crack down on online harassment About the author John Zorabedian is a blogger, copywriter and editor at Sophos. He has a...
6 October 2015 - 17:55, by , in News, No comments
The internet flames scorched Peeple, and now its online presence has at least partially gone up in smoke. For now, anyway. As of Tuesday morning, it was Sayonara to the app’s Twitter account, hasta luego to its Facebook account, and site-not-found for its website. But don’t get your hopes up: this beast isn’t dead yet....
6 October 2015 - 11:51, by , in News, No comments
Six years ago, Schuler Benson and Celeste Zendler (now Celeste Benson) had no mutual friends, lived in two different states, had zilch shared Facebook interests, and had never met. But one day, Facebook glitched, and the end result is that the two are now hitched. It’s the “fairy-tale for Millennials,” Schuler Benson says: one random...
2 October 2015 - 11:17, by , in News, No comments
I don’t actually know Julia Cordray. We’ve never hung out, and she never hired me to write for her. Nor have I ever babysat her kids – Julia, do you even have kids? – and I’m pretty sure she’s never fed my cats while I’m on vacation. I’m going to rate her anyway. I’m giving...
30 September 2015 - 15:49, by , in News, No comments
Former hashtag Edward Snowden is now an actual thing on Twitter. The former NSA contractor-turned-whistleblower has joined Twitter, sending an opening tweet on Tuesday asking, “Can you hear me now?” Snowden, the man whose revelations about PRISM, XKeyscore and other secretive NSA surveillance programs opened up a worldwide discussion about government surveillance, reached one million Twitter followers after...