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Researchers have discovered a banking trojan making waves in Brazil with an array of tricks up its sleeve, including using an unusual command and control (C&C) server.
As the popularity around cryptocurrency has continued to rise in 2018, it has also paved an easy path for cash-hungry scammers to launch “cryptocurrency giveaway scams.”
A phishing scam fooled victims by claiming to be Apple and scooping up personal details – including financial information and Apple account information.
Researchers have identified a hacking group behind several widescale maritime shipping industry business email compromise (BEC) attacks since June.
Researchers are warning of a new email phishing campaign that launches a trojan capable of distributing ransomware and stealing passwords.
A new business email compromise campaign targets financial transactions tied to Fortune 500 firms.
Google has removed the Interface Online Chrome extension from the Chrome Web Store. The plugin was used by criminals in Brazil to target corporate users with the aim of stealing banking credentials.
The results of an academic experiment reveal that recipients of Facebook messages are much more likely to click on suspicious links.
The FBI says Business Email Compromise scams are growing at astronomical rates, and businesses have lost $5.3 billion since 2013; $346 million in the U.S. alone in the second half of 2016.
Researchers from Dell SecureWorks infiltrated a Nigerian business email spoofing and business email compromise operation, shutting down a number of money mule accounts in the process.