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Top IT security barriers cited by respondents include budget constraints, and limited time to research and understand new threats.
The North Korean-sponsored actors are targeting sensitive and proprietary information, and the malware could disrupt regular operations and disable systems and files.
Microsoft patched a bug that allowed attackers to steal a target’s Windows account password via previewed Outlook message.
Microsoft releases a total of 57 security patches, part of its July Patch Tuesday, with 20 rated critical.
Mike Mimoso and Chris Brook discuss the news of the week, including Citizen Lab’s latest report, WannaCry hitting Honda, GhostHook, and Fireball.
Pandemic is a Windows implant built by the CIA that turns file servers into Patient Zero on a local network, infecting machines requesting files with Trojanized replacements.
The ShadowBrokers announced details on how to subscribe to its Monthly Dump Service, which is available for 100 Zcash.
Mike Mimoso and Chris Brook recap the news of the week, including the EternalRocks worm, the latest on WannaCry, a subtitle hack, and a Twitter flaw.
Researchers claim the unpatched SMB zero day that affects Windows can be exploited a number of ways.
Mike Mimoso and Chris Brook recap the news of the week, including a Microsoft SMB zero day, the latest Netgear router vulnerability, and a new HTTPS milestone.