Tag: SHA-1 deprecation
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Yesterday’s Patch Tuesday release also included an update to Microsoft’s Internet Explorer and Edge browsers officially ending support for the SHA-1 hash function.
Researchers unveiled the first-ever practical collision attack the cryptographic hash function SHA-1.
Researcher Mariusz Mlynski found and disclosed four high-severity vulnerabilities in Chrome’s Blink rendering engine, earning himself $32,000 through the Chrome Rewards program.
Mike Mimoso, Tom Spring, and Chris Brook discuss security-wise what they hope will and won’t change under a Trump presidency, then discuss the news of the week, including SHA-1 deprecation, Carbanak’s return, and the WhatsApp “backdoor” debacle.
Things are about to get a lot safer on the internet with SHA-2, but there is plenty of work still to be done when it comes to SHA-1 deprecation.
Google released its final SHA-1 deprecation deadlines, and crypto services provider Venafi said that 35 percent of the web is still running weak SHA-1 certificates.
The home stretch of Microsoft’s planned SHA-1 deprecation schedule has arrived. This summer, with the planned release of the Windows 10 Anniversary Update, users should see signs that the weak cryptographic hash function is being phased out. Microsoft said that once the anniversary update is rolled out, Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer will no longer...
As promised, Mozilla officially began rejecting new SHA-1 certificates as of the first of the year. And as promised, there have been some usability issues. Mozilla yesterday said that some security scanners and antivirus products are keeping some from reaching HTTPS websites. “When a user tries to connect to an HTTPS site, the man-in-the-middle device...
Google has announced its timeline for deprecating SHA-1 certificates, despite concerns expressed recently that sunsetting the broken encryption hashing algorithm will disconnect millions from the Internet. SHA-1’s demise has been accelerated in recent months since researchers published a paper explaining that practical collision attacks could be months, instead of years, away. Google, on Friday, announced...