Tag: scareware
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Researchers identified 60 apps on Google Play infected with AdultSwine malware that in some cases displayed graphic adult-themed ads on apps intended for children.
Security experts are warning PC users of scareware computer utilities published by the French firm Tuto4PC that secretly bundle adware and spyware. Cisco’s Talos security research team said several of the company’s utilities, including OneSoftPerDay and System Healer, contain Trojans that exhibit “malicious intent and behavior.” Talos estimates 12 million users have been enticed to download one of...
A unique scareware campaign targeting Mac OS X machines has been discovered, and it’s likely the developer behind the malware has been at it a while since the installer that drops the scareware is signed with a legitimate Apple developer certificate. “Sadly, this particular developer certificate (assigned to a Maksim Noskov) has been used for...