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SAP released 19 patches on Tuesday, including a trio of vulnerabilities marked high severity in its business management software.
SAP fixed 23 vulnerabilities across roughly a dozen products on Tuesday, including a series of high-risk flaws in SAP POS and SAP Host Agent.
SAP has issued an updated patch for a code-injection vulnerability affecting the TREX search engine integrated into more than a dozen SAP products.
Researchers at ERPScan today disclosed details and a proof-of-concept exploit for a SAP GUI remote code execution vulnerability patched last week.
Mike Mimoso and Chris Brook discuss the news of the week, including Pwn2Own 2017, Microsoft’s silence around February’s Patch Tuesday, and a nasty SAP bug.
SAP patched a critical vulnerability in its cloud-based business platform HANA today that if exploited, could allow for a full system compromise, without authentication.
SAP recently fixed 15 different vulnerabilities that existed in the database management system HANA and subsequent communication channels used by the software. All told the vulnerabilities affect just north of 10,000 SAP customers running different versions of the system, according to researchers at Onapsis, who disclosed the bugs Thursday. Nine of the bugs affected HANA, the cloud-based business platform...
Mike Mimoso and Chris Brook discuss the news of the week, including zero day vulnerabilities–both in Adobe Flash and Windows, a nasty vulnerability in SAP business applications, Mozilla asking FBI to disclose a Tor exploit, and more. Download: Threatpost_News_Wrap_May_13_2016.mp3 Music by Chris Gonsalves