Tag: private bug bounty
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For a long time, Yelp.com has been one of the Internet’s most-frequented resources for crowd-sourced local business, restaurant and hospitality reviews and tips. Starting today, the door will be open to researchers and bug-hunters who are invited to participate in Yelp’s public bug bounty. The company has, for two years, participated in a private bounty...
LAS VEGAS – Kaspersky Lab today at Black Hat USA 2016 announced the launch of a public bug bounty, one of the few offered by a software vendor in the computer security industry. The bounty begins tomorrow on the HackerOne platform, and the first phase will run for six months. The company said that during...
Uber’s bug bounty program emerged from private beta mode yesterday, which it used as a feedback forum for participants in order to develop the public program. “This was pretty unique in its approach,” said HackerOne CTO Alex Rice. Uber’s program is built on the HackerOne platform, and Uber announced that the program’s biggest payouts for...