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The fajitas purveyor announced the point-of-sale payment-card breach on Friday May 11, the same day that it learned about it.
SAP fixed 23 vulnerabilities across roughly a dozen products on Tuesday, including a series of high-risk flaws in SAP POS and SAP Host Agent.
A lack of security common sense still plagues businesses with 30 percent of phishing emails opened by campaign targets. Worse, 12 percent click on the attachments inside those phishing attacks, giving crooks easy access to systems to snarf up credentials that are later used to pull off financially or espionage motivated crimes. That’s the big...
A strain of point-of-sale malware that began making the rounds on underground markets late last month is easy to use, but less sophisticated than initial reports suggested. According to researchers at Talos, Cisco’s research division, Pro PoS is mostly built on Alina, another type of POS malware which had its source code leaked earlier this...