Tag: Open Source
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Government entities and educational institutions in the Middle East are under attack in an ongoing credential-harvesting campaign.
Security researchers have concerns about the privacy implications of Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Twitter’s Data Transfer Project.
The impending demise of Adobe Flash will create legacy challenges similar to Windows XP as companies begin to wean themselves off the vulnerable code base.
Owners of Github repositories were the focus of a phishing campaign spreading the Dimnie information-stealing malware.
HackerOne announced a free version of its platform for open source projects.
HackerOne announced a free version of its platform for open source projects.
Mike Mimoso and Chris Brook discuss the news of the week, including the latest Linux bug, Sony closing backdoors in cameras, and Google’s new open source fuzzer.
A new Google program OSS-Fuzz is aimed at continuously fuzzing open source software and has already detected over 150 bugs.
An audit of open source file and disk encryption software VeraCrypt wrapped up and a number of critical vulnerabilities uncovered in the assessment were patched.
The latest on the Yahoo breach, Germany’s problem with WhatsApp-Facebook, Facebook’s osquery tool for Windows, and Zerodium’s $1.5M iOS bounty are all discussed.