Tag: National Security Letter
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Cloudflare and network operator Credo Mobile suffered a legal defeat when U.S. appeals court ruled to uphold a gag order on FBI surveillance data.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation sued the United States Department of Justice demanding to know whether the agency is complying with rules that mandate a periodic review of National Security Letter gag orders.
Apple revealed this week that it received at least one National Security Letter from the U.S. government for user data during the last six months of 2016
Google asked for MLAT reform, and released its biannual Transparency Report revealing it received a record number of government requests for user data.
Cloudflare on Tuesday was finally able to post a National Security Letter it received from the FBI back in 2013.
Warrant canaries aren’t definitive markers that a company has been served with a National Security Letter or some other type of court order mandating that customer information be turned over to a government agency or law enforcement. But oftentimes, they are a strong indicator that something has changed in that arena. Pinterest, for example, in...
Reddit’s latest transparency report is missing a nugget of information that was present in a previous report. Last year’s report included a warrant canary which stated that as of Jan. 29, 2015, Reddit had never received a National Security Letter, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court order or classified order for user data. “If we ever received...