Tag: Malware
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Every minute, there are also 5,518 records leaked from publicly disclosed incidents.
A tricky downloader has hit the scene in a series of campaigns targeting restaurants, hotels and telecommunications companies.
The spyware’s surveillance capabilities are extensive, logging every call, text, photo, video and more, and sending the data to the attackers.
The highly sophisticated operation shares code with the Hermes malware, and may be linked to the Lazarus Group APT actor.
Dark Tequila, which has been active since 2013, is highly modular and targets victims in Mexico.
This could mark yet another reinvention for the VenusLocker group, which has mostly been focused on cryptomining this year.
A new email campaign includes a Microsoft Office Publisher file with malicious URLs leading to the FlawedAmmyy RAT.
An analysis of the world’s most-visited websites shows that vulnerable software, too much active content and large amounts of code execution open visitors to a raft of potential dangers.
The Cosmos Bank incident is only the latest, not the last, thanks to lagging security practices.
A new downloader, which has been spotted in an array of recent email campaigns, uses anti-analysis techniques and calls in a system fingerprinting module.
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