Tag: Magnitude Exploit Kit
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Cisco Talos identified the Sundown exploit kit as an up-and-coming contender that may soon rival RIG in terms of size and volume.
Exploits for the most recent Adobe Flash Player zero-day vulnerability have been integrated into the Neutrino and Magnitude exploit kits, and are leading compromised computers to different ransomware strains and a credential-stealing Trojan. A French researcher who goes by the handle Kafeine told Threatpost that Neutrino has embedded a working exploit for CVE-2016-4117 while Magnitude...
Exploits for a zero-day vulnerability in Adobe Flash Player are being aggressively distributed in two exploit kits. The zero day, meanwhile, was patched by Adobe in an emergency update released Thursday night. Attackers are using the previously unpatched flaw in the maligned Flash Player to infect victims with either Locky or Cerber ransomware. Locky is a relatively...