Tag: Locky ransomware
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The notorious Necurs botnet is back in business, after mysteriously going dark for nearly a month. Researchers report the Necurs has returned to spewing massive volumes of email containing an improved version of the potent Locky ransomware and the Dridex banking Trojan. According to Proofpoint which has been tracking Necurs, criminals behind the botnet began...
Amazon customers were targeted in a massive spear phishing campaign where recipients received Microsoft Word documents with a macro that triggered downloads of the Locky ransomware. Researchers at Comodo Threat Research Labs say it is one of the largest spam ransomware campaigns this year. Fatih Orhan, director of technology at Comodo and the Comodo Threat...
Microsoft is warning of an innovative new technique attackers are using to sneak macro malware past virus detection engines and add to the already huge uptick in reported macro attacks. According to researchers at Microsoft’s Malware Protection Center, they stumbled upon the macro technique in a file containing VBA project scripts with a sample of well-known malicious...
Security experts warn companies need to brace for new harder-to-detect and more determined variants of the Locky ransomware spotted recently in the wild. The news comes just as reported Locky ransomware attacks have waned in recent weeks. Locky is now trying to evade detection by changing the way the ransomware communicates from an infected computer...
Researchers are tracking a massive spam campaign pelting inboxes with Locky ransomware downloaders in the form of JavaScript attachments. The huge spike, reported by security firm Trustwave, represents an extraordinary uptick in the attempted distribution of the Locky ransomware. Trustwave said over the last seven days, malware-laced spam has represented 18 percent of total spam...
A 400 percent surge in tax-related phishing and malware incidents is making this tax season the most treacherous yet for taxpayers. According to an Internal Revenue Service bulletin, this year’s attacks include the tried-and-true email phishing, but also newer forms of attacks that include bogus text messages and attempts to trick people into handing over...