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A local, race condition vulnerability in the af_packet implementation in Linux was patched this week. The bug allows a local attacker to execute code or crash a server.
Today’s Android Security Bulletin included a patch for the Dirty Cow vulnerability, a seven-year-old Linux bug that had yet to be patched by Google.
Google is downplaying the scope of the critical Linux vulnerability patched this week, suggesting that the number of affected Android devices has been exaggerated. The Android OS is built upon the Linux kernel, but minus many of the libraries that are included in standard Linux builds. Initially, startup Perception Point said that upwards of two-thirds...
A patch for a critical Linux kernel flaw, present in the code since 2012, is expected to be pushed out today. The vulnerability affects versions 3.8 and higher, said researchers at startup Perception Point who discovered the vulnerability. The flaw also extends to two-thirds of Android devices, the company added. “It’s pretty bad because a...