Tag: law enforcement
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This bill making its way through Congress would allow law enforcement to more easily uncover location data for cell phones from mobile carriers in an emergency.
Privacy advocates say facial recognition can be an agent of authoritarian surveillance; others say it’s an invaluable tool to combat kidnapping, locate lost children and track down criminals on the run.
Bruce Schneier and Orin Kerr have written a paper that explains the technological and legal issues associated with six encryption workarounds available to law enforcement.
Operations Manager at Paterva Andrew Macpherson outlines the details of the “Digital Intelligence Gathering using Maltego” course being offered at SAS 2017.
Mike Mimoso and Chris Brook discuss the news of the week including Yahoo’s latest breach announcement, a DDoS-for-hire crackdown, hackers seeking help with Mirai, and some new Adobe patches.
4 September 2015 - 15:39, by , in Uncategorized, No comments
The US Department of Justice (DOJ) yesterday released a new and enhanced policy to cover the use of “stingrays” – tracking devices that mimic cell phone towers, tricking phones into connecting with them to reveal their precise location. The new policy, designed to “establish a higher and more consistent legal standard and increase privacy protections”, states that all...