Tag: IoT botnet
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The onus behind IoT security has become so muddled that no one knows who to point fingers at.
The IP cameras have a slew of bugs allowing bad actors to control them, add them to a botnet, or render them useless.
A botnet has exploited a highly critical Drupal CMS vulnerability, which was previously disclosed by Drupal in March.
The disclosure and recent analysis of thousands of leaked telnet credentials paints a bleak picture of the state of IoT security.
Internet of Things Cybersecurity Improvement Act would mandate stringent security for connected devices sold to the federal government.
The number of new malware samples in the wild this year targeting connected internet-of-things (IoT) devices has already more than doubled last year’s total.
A Windows-based botnet is spreading a Mirai variant that is also capable of spreading to Linux systems under certain conditions, Kaspersky Lab researchers said.
Backdoors, likely intentional remote administration features, were closed off in 80 different Sony IP-enabled cameras running the IPELA Engine technology.
Intermittent DDoS attacks affecting Internet connectivity nationwide in West African nation Liberia have ceased. One researcher says it’s a test for something else.
IoT devices are being infected by new DDoS malware called Linux/IRCTelnet that borrows heavily from Aidra, Bashlite and Mirai.