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Researchers spent six months poking holes in Signal and urge a bigger spotlight on security testing.
Security information and event management solutions are supposed to boost security, but researchers say the network analysis tools are ripe attack targets.
Justin Schuh, lead engineer of Chrome Security, said ensuring browser security for Chrome users is a balancing act juggling OEM pressures, questionable certificate authorities and quashing third-party software incompatibility issues.
As zero days in Adobe Flash Player continue to bubble to the surface, major technology players are announcing their plans to shove the maligned software aside in favor of HTML5. Google is the latest, announcing recently that by Q4 of this year, HTML5 would be the default in the Chrome browser, except for content on...
Mike Mimoso and Chris Brook recap the news of the week, including the Badlock bust, encryption legislation (Burr-Feinstein, the California decryption bill) and the dawn of ‘cryptoworms’ – Mike also discusses last week’s Infiltrate Conference in Miami. Download: Threatpost_News_Wrap_April_15_2016.mp3 Music by Chris Gonsalves
MIAMI—Lisa Wiswell’s phone rang off the hook last summer in the throes of the OPM hack. But she wasn’t just answering questions from those whose security clearance and personal data disappeared into the Chinese ether; there were also hackers on the other end of the line offering their help. Wiswell, digital service lead with the...