Tag: hypervisor
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Virtual machines that use AMD’s hardware-based encryption scheme are vulnerable to attacks that can extract the full contents of their main memory – in plaintext.
Xen Project dropped the ball on two important security patches when it released a maintenance update for its popular hypervisor software on Tuesday. On its company blog today, Xen acknowledged what it called an “oversight” and attempted to explain what went wrong. However, absent from its updated blog, is a date that Xen Project expects to...
2 November 2015 - 15:37, by , in News, No comments
An extremely serious vulnerability lay undiscovered at the heart of much of The Cloud for seven years. The vulnerability (CVE-2015-7835), which affects the Xen hypervisor software used by Cloud hosting companies like Amazon Web Services, is so serious that it was widely patched under embargo before being disclosed on 29 October 2015. It was discovered by 栾尚聪 (好风) of Alibaba and affects Xen software from...