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The Hack the Air Force bug bounty program invites white hats from inside and outside the U.S. to hack its websites.
Nearly two-thirds of servers and PCs peddled on the xDedic underground marketplace belong to schools and universities based in United States.
Brazilian cybercriminals are using the original version of the XPan ransomware, targeting small to medium-sized business based in Brazil with the malware.
Scans show tens of thousands of Windows servers infected with the DoublePulsar kernel exploit leaked by the ShadowBrokers two weeks ago.
The first large scale Locky campaign in months has been detected via the Necurs botnet.
A white hat hacker is believed responsible for the Hajime IoT botnet because its main objective appears to be to secure IoT devices vulnerable to the notorious Mirai malware.
Researchers say more than 100,000 Linksys routers in use today could be vulnerable to 10 flaws found in 20 separate router models made by the company.
Two vulnerabilities were identified in Bosch’s Drivelog Connect OBD-II dongle and smartphone app that allowed researchers to shut off the engine of a vehicle.
A rash of Java-based remote access Trojans is targeting tax filers with bogus IRS attachments.
Microsoft eased some anxiety over the latest ShadowBrokers dump of Windows zero days with news most of the vulnerabilities had already been patched.
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