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The FTC announced the IoT Home Inspector Challenge, a contest with the goal of coming up with a patching solution fit for consumer-grade connected devices used in the home.
Burlington Electric Department general manager Neale Lunderville speaks out about last week’s incident and response to reports the electric grid had been hacked.
The rush to connect a security incident at a Vermont utility to Russian government hackers is more evidence of the challenges around attribution.
A security researcher claims that data belonging to doctors deployed in the United States Special Operations Command was left unsecured online.
Joint report “Grizzly Steppe” implicates Russian hacking group Fancy Bear in U.S. election-related hacking.
Ransomware, insecure connected devices, bug bounties and governments buying bugs: All four ceased to be novelties in 2016; they’re all new normals for cybersecurity.
Members of the bipartisan encryption working group released a year-end report concluding that encryption backdoor laws would do more harm than good.
Now that a proposed revision to the Wassenaar Arrangement has been rejected, it will be up to the Trump administration to decide whether to attempt to renegotiate again.
Researchers at Flashpoint said their analysis of the latest ShadowBrokers dump of NSA tools leads them to believe an insider with access to a code repository stole the data.
Experts at InfoArmor said the stolen database of 1 billion Yahoo accounts has been sold multiple times for at least $300,000 each time.
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