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Google asked for MLAT reform, and released its biannual Transparency Report revealing it received a record number of government requests for user data.
Microsoft eased some anxiety over the latest ShadowBrokers dump of Windows zero days with news most of the vulnerabilities had already been patched.
The latest ShadowBrokers dump includes exploits that allowed the NSA to target SWIFT data managed by outsourced service bureaus in the Middle East.
The FDA sent Abbott Laboratories a warning letter citing that it had inadequately addressed the security of the maligned Merlin@home Transmitter.
Notorious spammer Peter Levashov was arrested over the weekend; Levashov is the alleged botmaster behind the Kelihos botnet.
The ShadowBrokers’ latest dump of Equation Group hacks focuses on UNIX systems and GSM networks, and was accompanied by an open letter to President Trump.
Mike Mimoso and Chris Brook recap the second day of Kaspersky Lab’s Security Analyst Summit, including how a Brazilian bank was compromised, and more.
President Trump signed a resolution to complete the overturning of internet privacy protections that would of prevented ISPs from tracking you online without first asking users to opt-in.
The lines between between information shared between intelligence services, companies, and the government are getting increasingly blurry, a Georgetown professor warned.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation retracted a blog post today highly critical of Verizon and the upcoming rollout of an app called AppFlash made by Evie Labs.
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