Tag: Google Safe Browsing
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Phishing sites are deploying freely available TLS certificates in order to dupe victims into thinking they’re visiting a safe site.
Google is expected soon to begin a gradual rollout of new security features in Gmail that warn users if the system could not authenticate the sender of an email message. Starting this week for browser-based users of Gmail and Android users, Google will display a question mark over a sender’s profile photo or user logo...
Google’s Safe Browsing API is almost a living organism, constantly evolving and adapting to online threats. On Wednesday, Google announced the latest enhancements to the service, with new features that protect users on the web from deceptive embedded content. “You may have encountered social engineering in a deceptive download button, or an image ad that...
Google yesterday released an update for the Chrome browser that patches seven vulnerabilities and also updates Adobe Flash Player. It also announced that Google Safe Browsing has been extended to Chrome for Android. The Chrome browser update is the second in less than a week; on Dec 1, Chrome 47 was released and 41 vulnerabilities...