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Researchers identified 60 apps on Google Play infected with AdultSwine malware that in some cases displayed graphic adult-themed ads on apps intended for children.
Google removed 22 malicious adware apps ranging from flashlights, call recorders to wifi signal boosters that together were downloaded up to 7.5 million times from the Google Play marketplace.
Google has ejected 50 apps from its Google Play store that were harboring mobile malware dubbed ExpensiveWall.
The anonymous messaging app Sarahah says it plans to remove a feature that uploads users contacts, including phone numbers and email addresses to the company’s servers, in the next update.
More than 500 Android mobile apps have been removed from Google Play after it was discovered that an embedded advertising SDK called Igenix could be leveraged to quietly install spyware on devices.
The list of compromised Chrome extensions that hijack traffic and substitute advertisements on victims’ browsers grows.
Makers of Copyfish OCR software get taken on wild ride after code for its Chrome extension is stolen.
Google has a new machine-learning algorithm it uses to compare new apps to known secure apps, improving the way it classifies submissions to Google Play.
Google removed a rooting an Android Trojan called Dvmap from Google Play that injects malicious code into an infected device’s system library.
Google announces big changes for Android security including new features, a rebranding of old services and an updated UI, all streamlined under a new service called Google Play Protect.