Tag: Google Nexus patches
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Google’s Android security team has patched a vulnerability that left Nexus 5X devices open to attack even if the phone’s screen was locked. The vulnerability in Google’s line of phones would have allowed an adversary to exfiltrate data from the targeted phone via a forced memory dump of the device. Researchers at IBM’s X-Force Application...
The glowing lack of public, real-world Stagefright exploits didn’t stop the U.S. government from using last summer’s blockbuster Android vulnerability as an illustration of the dangers facing mobile device users. Under the context of Stagefright exposing up to 1 billion devices to attack, the Federal Trade Commission and the Federal Communications Commission yesterday said they...
Since last summer’s Stagefright vulnerabilities toppled the Android world for a few weeks, researchers inside and out of Google have been taking a close look at not only the maligned media playback engine, but also at Mediaserver where it lives. Today’s release of the monthly Android Nexus Security Bulletin includes patches for another critical vulnerability...