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Researchers say a proof-of-concept attack using Windows Safe Mode can lead to credential theft and allow hackers to move laterally within a corporate network.
A high-stakes game of attribution started by a group claiming to have a cache of exploits belonging to the Equation Group took a somewhat definitive turn Tuesday afternoon. Researchers at Kaspersky Lab yesterday confirmed a connection between the tools currently up for auction by the ShadowBrokers and Equation Group exploits and malware that researchers at...
LAS VEGAS — It wasn’t long ago that ROP, or return-oriented programming, was a hacker’s best friend when it came to bypassing mitigations against memory-based attacks such as DEP and ASLR. ROP, however, is so 2005. In the last couple of years, researchers and attackers have figured out how to bypass popular tools such as...
Amid the connections being made between the Russian government and the attack on the Democratic National Committee (DNC), researchers on Tuesday reminded us of the challenges security experts have in correctly attributing advanced attacks. In a wide-ranging Reddit AMA, members of Kaspersky Lab’s Global Research and Analysis Team shared some insight into their day-to-day investigations...
Pen-testing engagements are generally a breeze for most red-teamers; roadblocks are few, despite the ones in place being expensive and often paid for by very large companies. Chris Nickerson has been running such engagements for 15 years and he sees companies that throw more money and more servers at security solutions as having far less...
29 July 2015 - 12:54, by , in Malware, News, Uncategorized, No comments
Nigerian scammers are using more sophisticated techniques to scam businesses especially those in Asia. The scammers are now trying to inject themselves in between transactions in the hope of diverting funds into their accounts. Typically, the Microsoft Word Intruder exploit kit to create infected word documents which are then emailed to specific targets. Once opened the...