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Apache has patched a critical remote code-execution vulnerability in Struts 2, and users should update immediately.
An unspecified “private” server was found with the account data of users who signed up for the service, in the largest breach since Equifax last year.
As companies continue to install the vulnerable version of Apache Struts behind the breach, Equifax has filed a clarification statement.
Equifax said that an additional 2.4 million Americans have been impacted by a 2017 data breach, bringing the total of those implicated to around 148 million people.
The credit bureau Equifax said Monday the information of 145.5M Americans, was implicated in this summer’s breach.
Oracle released fixes for a handful of recently patched Apache Struts 2 vulnerabilities late last week.
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission said this week that hackers managed to infiltrate one of its systems last year, something that likely facilitated insider trading.
The Equifax data breach saga so far, a Google HTTPS warnings paper, cryptocurrency mining at the Pirate Bay, and bringing machine learning to passwords are all discussed.
The Equifax data breach saga so far, a Google HTTPS warnings paper, cryptocurrency mining at the Pirate Bay, and bringing machine learning to passwords are all discussed.
Equifax suffered another breach of its systems, back in March, the company revealed Monday.