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Attackers have taken to Facebook Messenger with a combination of social engineering and malicious JavaScript to spread adware.
David Jacoby and Frans Rosén said at this year’s Security Analyst Summit they offered companies free pen-testing and raised $15,000 for charity in the process.
The cloud-based collaboration tool Slack was quick to fix a bug earlier this month that could have let an attacker steal a user’s private Slack token.
Mike Mimoso and Chris Brook recap the news of the week, including a Bitcoin phishing campaign, the Kaspersky Lab ransomware report, misconfigured email servers, and a decline in Angler exploit kit traffic. Download: Threatpost_News_Wrap_June_24_2016.mp3 Music by Chris Gonsalves
More than half of the world’s top sites suffer from misconfigured email servers, something that heightens the risk of having spoofed emails sent from their domains, researchers warn. Researchers at Detectify, a Swedish web security firm, recently combed through hundreds of domains and found that many of them suffer from poor email authentication methods. An...