Tag: CTB-Locker
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Microsoft beefs up ransomware defenses in Windows 10 Anniversary Update starting with Edge browser and the Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) tool.
Victims infected with the MarsJoke ransomware can now decrypt their files; researchers cracked the encryption in the CTB-Locker lookalike last week.
The scourge of ransomware over the past two years has been impressive – and not in a good way. The number of frustrated computer users locked out of their PCs is at an all-time high with no signs of the ransomware epidemic relenting. According to security experts, the last two years have seen an astounding...
After months of relative dormancy, ransomware CTB-Locker or Critroni is back and this time finding new life targeting websites. Researchers are calling this variant “CTB-Locker for Websites” because it targets websites, encrypts their content, and demands a 0.4 bitcoin ($425) ransom for access to the decryption key. In a technical breakdown of “CTB-Locker for Websites”,...