Tag: CryptoLocker
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Ransomware, insecure connected devices, bug bounties and governments buying bugs: All four ceased to be novelties in 2016; they’re all new normals for cybersecurity.
Dirt cheap ransomware selling for as little as $39 on the dark web has security experts concerned the low price coupled with its potency could trigger a wave of new infections. The ransomware is called Stampado and besides its hallmark low price, the ransomware is also unique because it threatens to delete files every six hours...
A 400 percent surge in tax-related phishing and malware incidents is making this tax season the most treacherous yet for taxpayers. According to an Internal Revenue Service bulletin, this year’s attacks include the tried-and-true email phishing, but also newer forms of attacks that include bogus text messages and attempts to trick people into handing over...