Tag: Browser warnings
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Google announced today new security features in Gmail, including the news that it will enhance early phishing detection in Gmail through dedicated machine learning.
Starting with Chrome 62, Google will start marking any HTTP page where users may enter data, and any HTTP page visited in incognito mode
Chrome users who navigate to some HTTP sites will be notified, starting in January, they’re on a site that isn’t secure. Google said today the browser will begin explicitly labeling HTTP connections that feature either a password or credit card form as non-secure. The company said the plan is its first step toward marking all HTTP sites...
Multitasking may be the way of the connected world, but as it turns out, it’s not conducive to secure behavior online. Academics from Brigham Young University and the University of Pittsburgh came to that conclusion after using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to study how the brain reacts to dealing with more than one task...