Tag: Brian Bartholomew
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Attackers behind APT campaigns have kept busy in Q2 2017, adding new ways to bypass detection, crafting new payloads to drop, and identifying new zero days and backdoors to help them infect users and maintain persistence on machines.
Investigating state-sponsored espionage and counterterrorism is one thing. Writing public reports about these activities is another.
Mike Mimoso talks to Kaspersky Lab Global Research and Analysis Team researchers Juan Andres Guerrero-Saade and Brian Bartholomew about a paper released at Virus Bulletin on deception tactics and false flags flown by APT groups to frustrate analysis.
Microsoft Silverlight vulnerabilities certainly don’t have the same hacker cred as bugs in Adobe Flash, for example, but nonetheless, that does not diminish their value, nor does that mean they should be ignored. Microsoft patched a critical flaw in the application framework on Tuesday, and researchers at Kaspersky Lab’s Global Research and Analysis Team caution...