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Botnets fused with artificial intelligence are decentralized and self-organized systems, capable of working together toward a common goal – attacking networks.
Crypto mining botnets provide a stealthy way to generate big bucks, without the downsides of ransomware.
Level 3 Communications said the Mirai botnet has recruited close to 500,000 IoT devices since the malware’s source code was released.
DVR’s, IP-enabled cameras, home cable equipment and many other IOT connected devices are that latest in potent DDoS tools available to attackers.
An attacker known as Anna-senpai released source code for the Mirai malware, which was used in a 620 Gbps DDoS attack against Krebs on Security.
Starting in April security experts at FireEye spotted a massive uptick in Cerber ransomware attacks delivered via a rolling wave of spam. Researchers there link the Cerber outbreaks to the fact that attackers are now leveraging the same spam infrastructure credited for making the potent Dridex financial Trojan extremely dangerous. Cerber, which is best known...
A coalition of law enforcement agencies worked together recently to disrupt Dorkbot, a botnet that’s managed to infect more than one million machines in 190 countries during the last year. Researchers with Microsoft’s Malware Protection Center announced the news via a post on the MMPC blog. Two divisions within Microsoft, the Malware Protection Center and the Digital Crimes Unit, worked with ESET...