Tag: Botnet
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A Windows-based botnet is spreading a Mirai variant that is also capable of spreading to Linux systems under certain conditions, Kaspersky Lab researchers said.
The Star Wars Twitter botnet, the return of Lavabit, a critical Cisco Webex flaw, and the St. Louis Library ransomware story are discussed.
Researchers from the University College London have found a Twitter botnet of 350,000 bots that has been dormant since shortly after the accounts were registered.
IoT devices are being infected by new DDoS malware called Linux/IRCTelnet that borrows heavily from Aidra, Bashlite and Mirai.
Ten percent of the 550,000 IoT nodes in the Mirai botnet are involved in ongoing DDoS attacks against DNS provider Dyn and others.
A botnet comprised entirely of internet-enabled closed circuit TV devices used a barrage of HTTP requests to knock a small jewelry store offline for days. Researchers who came across the botnet recently said they weren’t surprised that IoT devices were being used to carry out a distributed denial of service attack but were caught off...
12 November 2015 - 9:57, by , in News, No comments
A distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS) is a cheap but effective way to take out your target’s website by flooding it with so much traffic that the web server becomes overwhelmed and the website crashes. There are those who use DDoS attacks as a kind of online protest, such as hacktivist groups like Anonymous. Then there...