Tag: Backdoors
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Mike Mimoso and Chris Brook discuss the news of the week, including the latest on the BlackEnergy APT Group, Amazon getting into the SSL certificate game, and government agencies being told to audit their systems for the Juniper backdoor. Download: news_wrap_01-29-16.mp3 Music by Chris Gonsalves
While the “Going Dark” debate over encryption standards rages on here in the ­­United States, government officials in the Netherlands this week released a statement that actually calls for stronger encryption and rejects backdoors entirely. On Monday officials said, citing respect for privacy and confidentiality, they were staunchly opposed to against any legislation that would...
The NSA’s subversion of encryption standards may have come home to roost. As more eyes examine the Juniper backdoor in ScreenOS, the operating system standing up its NetScreen VPNs, it’s becoming clear that someone backdoored the NSA backdoor in Dual_EC_DRBG, opening the door to passive decryption of any VPN traffic moving through a NetScreen gateway....