Tag: Armada Collective
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With some members of the so-called Armada Collective in jail, another actor has decided to co-opt their technique of sending threatening DDoS extortion messages to businesses worldwide. Only difference is, this group isn’t following through with its threat, and it’s still collecting serious money. A blog post from CloudFlare CEO Matthew Prince says that the...
Experts believe that the success tied to a recent spate of DDoS-for-hire groups may be because many are copycat collectives operating with a shorter lifespan. Researchers with Recorded Future, a Massachusetts-based firm that tracks real time threat intelligence, said Monday that they’ve noticed an increase in would-be hackers asking for guidance on forums when it comes to...
12 November 2015 - 9:57, by , in News, No comments
A distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS) is a cheap but effective way to take out your target’s website by flooding it with so much traffic that the web server becomes overwhelmed and the website crashes. There are those who use DDoS attacks as a kind of online protest, such as hacktivist groups like Anonymous. Then there...