Tag: Android Nougat
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At the Kaspersky Lab Security Analyst Summit, Android Security Team malware analyst Elena Kovakina explained Google’s strategy for countering ransomware on Android.
Google said half of Android devices are unpatched and that percentage of potentially harmful apps on phones installed from all sources rose in 2016.
Hackers with Keen Team identified vulnerabilities in iOS 10.1 and Android Nougat at Mobile Pwn2Own this week.
Zerodium tripled the bounty it offers for an Apple iOS 10 remote jailbreak, boosting the reward to $1.5 million.
Google last week announced changes in the way it will handle trusted Certificate Authorities in Nougat, the latest version of the Android operating system. The changes are expected to cut into the likelihood of a successful man-in-the-middle attack, or a device falling victim to an attacker-supplied custom certificate. This also takes a bit of pressure...