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Cheetah Mobile reports the origins of mobile Trojans are still coming from Ghost Push, which can root devices, show ads and install unwanted apps.
The first mobile banking Trojan that obtains root privileges on Android devices has been seen in the wild.
A Windows Trojan called DualToy has been discovered that can side load malicious apps onto Android and iOS devices via a USB connection from an infected computer. Researchers from Palo Alto Networks said DualToy has been in existence since January 2015, and it originally was limited to installing unwanted apps and displaying mobile ads on Android devices....
A rogue and malicious app that billed itself as a “Guide for Pokémon GO” managed to make it into Google Play’s marketplace. Once installed, the malware-laced app gave attackers root access to any Android device it was installed on. The app, actually a Trojan in disguise, contained a nasty piece of code that went onto...
Mike Mimoso, Tom Spring and Chris Brook discuss the news of the week, including all things Android: the crypto weakness, the full disk encryption bypass, and new malware, Hummingbad, which impacts the mobile operating system. The three also discuss the TP-Link router fiasco. Download: Threatpost_News_Wrap_July_8_2016.mp3 Music by Chris Gonsalves
The same group of cybercriminals behind a strain of iOS malware uncovered last year have apparently diversified and now dabble in Android malware. The group, dubbed Yingmob, has been running a malware campaign named HummingBad that controls 10 million Android devices globally and rakes in $300,000 a month, researchers said on Friday. According to researchers...
Two mobile variants of Triada and Horde malware have been spotted in the wild by Check Point Software Technologies researchers who warn the latest samples have adopted dangerous new techniques including the ability to evade Google’s security on some OS versions. The Android Trojan called Triada, researchers say, now is capable of infecting the Android default...
Google Play’s first line of defense against malware was circumvented by attackers who managed to sneak a malicious app called “Black Jack Free” into the official app store. The app was discovered by Lookout Security and removed by Google last week. Lookout estimates that 5,000 people downloaded the app that can siphon financial data from...
Incidents of Android lockscreen malware masquerading as porn apps are a growing concern to security analysts who are forecasting an uptick in attacks. Once infected, Android users bitten by this malware appear to be locked out of their device and are forced to undergo a complex extraction of the app to win back control of...
The latest Android malware campaign to wend its way through Google’s Play marketplace can leverage victims’ phones for ad fraud, carry out DDoS attacks, send spam, and more, researchers warn. Dubbed Viking Horde, the campaign ropes Android devices into a botnet without their owners being any the wiser. A handful of apps that spread the...