Tag: advanced attackers
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A high-stakes game of attribution started by a group claiming to have a cache of exploits belonging to the Equation Group took a somewhat definitive turn Tuesday afternoon. Researchers at Kaspersky Lab yesterday confirmed a connection between the tools currently up for auction by the ShadowBrokers and Equation Group exploits and malware that researchers at...
Stealing data from air-gapped computers is one of the great exercises in computer security: advanced attackers covet what’s stored on these isolated machines, while researchers try to figure out the novel ways adversaries could jump those gaps. The latest effort doesn’t involve USBs, heat, acoustical mesh networks, or decoding radio signals. Instead, researchers from Ben-Gurion...
Amid the connections being made between the Russian government and the attack on the Democratic National Committee (DNC), researchers on Tuesday reminded us of the challenges security experts have in correctly attributing advanced attacks. In a wide-ranging Reddit AMA, members of Kaspersky Lab’s Global Research and Analysis Team shared some insight into their day-to-day investigations...
Successful attacks against firmware are rare but provide hackers with one thing they covet most: persistence. Advanced attack groups have already accelerated their capabilities in finding ways to burrow into the BIOS and EFI as noted by the Snowden leaks’ description of the NSA’s attempts to develop malware implants for the BIOS. Further, last year’s...