Tag: adblockers
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Researchers say cyrptojackers are bypassing ad-blocking software in an attempt to run in-browser cyrptocurrency miner Coinhive.
4 November 2015 - 17:00, by , in News, No comments
First, the trick: on Halloween night, PageFair got hit by a Trojan masquerading as an Adobe Flash update. Then, the treat: the company managed to eschew non-apology mumbo-jumbo to issue a detailed, satisfyingly remorseful apology. Beginning late Sunday night, the day after the company discovered the attack, PageFair CEO Sean Blanchfield published a series of updated...
12 October 2015 - 13:46, by , in News, No comments
Nobody’s saying that adblockers cooked up for the newly adblocker-amenable iOS 9 Safari browser were monitoring encrypted traffic, including, say, bank login details or private emails. But they could, given that some of those apps installed root certificates that allowed them to carry out deep packet inspection in order to filter out ads. Given the...